
Hand of Glory 2: Modular Magnetic Gaming Miniatures

Created by Hand of Glory

Hot-swappable gaming miniatures! A line of minis with interchangeable magnetic items to customize your loadout.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Survey Time!
about 4 years ago – Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 01:28:46 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

THANK YOU and Next Steps
about 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 01, 2020 at 03:03:15 AM


The Hand of Glory line is growing, and we have you, our amazing backers, to thank! For new backers, we are so excited for you to receive your orders and hear that first satisfying magnetic "clink", and for returning backers, we can't wait for you to try out the new magnets and see all the new figures, weapons, items, and animals.


While we didn't unlock the additional figure, we'd still like to release it for sale as an add-on through BackerKit. What character class is it, you ask? The Tabaxi!

We are guessing some of you are as excited about this as we are! The Tabaxi won't be included with any pledge tier but can be added to your order at a discounted price. You will see the figure offered in the BackerKit pledge manager when the surveys are sent, and we’ll have more details in the next update. 



Soon, we will send you a survey through BackerKit where you will tell us exactly what you would like and where to send everything. We'll post an update when the surveys are ready. In BackerKit, you will be able to:

  • Upgrade your reward tier
  • Add à la carte figures and items from this campaign to your order (Including the Tabaxi!)
  • Add figures and items from our first collection 
  • Add other special bundles, including an empty hands set and additional spell effects 
  • Provide your shipping address
  • Input payment info for add-ons and shipping

If you've never used BackerKit before it's a pretty simple process, but do let us know if you have any questions. 


We're primed and ready to get busy making! There are thousands of figures and weapons and items to cast, as well as packaging to sort out, designs to finalize, etc. Over the coming months we'll gather everything, organize it, package it, and get it ready to ship to you. Keep in mind this is our second Hand of Glory campaign, and we were able to produce and ship everything in a timely fashion for the first campaign. Take comfort in that fact, but we’ll always keep you in the loop about any issues or delays :) 


Again, thanks a ton for helping us grow the HoG line. We think the main strength of our line is the potential for expansion and we have LOTS in mind for the future. We have received many great suggestions for future figures and items and we're excited to build them together with you!


We'll post updates here along the way to keep you up to date with production, as well as to share any other news.

If you haven't already, go ahead and join our mailing list. Email is the surest way to reach everyone at once, and we promise to have a light touch and not clutter your inbox.


Also feel free to follow us on social media here:


If you need anything at all the best way to reach us is:

[email protected]

We are infinitely grateful for all of your support and excitement! Stay safe, stay home if you can, and let’s look forward to the brighter days that are coming!

-Jason & Matt

about 4 years ago – Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 07:12:21 PM

Hey everybody, Matt and I just wanted to reach out and thank everybody for all of your support, and for the fact that our campaign is STILL chugging along in spite of all the chaos and uncertainty. We are truly grateful, and more than a little relieved!

A little about Hand of Glory, LLC, which is Matt and I. He works from Cincinnati, OH and I work from the greater NYC area. We both work from home (with our young daughters also now at home!). We are safely squirreled away and feeling fine, doing what we are supposed to do, and keeping the ship afloat.

As the campaign runs, we’re already hard at work, finalizing 3D models and preparing them for 3D printing, and reaching out to the other small businesses that help us manufacture the figures and items and packaging. All of our systems and supply chains are still strong, and in fact, our caster in Rhode Island will be extremely grateful for the work! In the meantime, we’ll keep doing what we do, and we all look forward to a return to normalcy, whatever THAT means! Hang in there, and be kind to each other.

For the rest of this update, we wanted to shoutout another Kickstarter project we think you’ll like, highlight a few of the items in this campaign that were suggested by our amazing backers from our first campaign (most are based on real-world weapons!), and we also wanted to share some reviews and painting links. If you have any questions at all, we’re here, please email us at [email protected]

-Jason (and Matt)

Immersive Gaming!

What we aim to do at Hand of Glory is to, well, enhance our gaming experiences, and our friends at Real GameFX are doing just that with their newest Kickstarter campaign! We invite everyone to check out their new remote controlled Fog Monster 2, which brings real smoke, fog and steam effects to tabletop game terrain with the push of a button. They have everything you need to make amazing, moody, dramatic table-top worlds, including the fog machine and special designed terrain. Check it out here!


We wanted to show off a sampling of the weapons in this campaign that were suggested by our amazing backers from our first Kickstarter campaign. These are based on real-world weapons and have interesting stories we’d like to share.

Gun Katar: A katar is a type of push dagger from India characterized by its H-shaped horizontal hand grip. Combining a katar with dual pistols is something that was actually made, with the first examples produced in the late 18th century! In case you didn’t catch that, it’s a DAGGER WITH 2 PISTOLS THAT ACTUALLY EXISTS!!

Native Club: This style of club was used by various Native American tribes and were carved from a large and strong piece of wood, usually the main root of a small tree.

Dire Wolf Jaw Blade: Interestingly, this idea of a jawbone weapon may have originated from the Bible! In medieval imagery and texts, Cain is frequently portrayed as beating Abel with the jawbone of an ass. Since our other project is all about skulls ( we used the jaw of a Dire Wolf, which is an extinct giant wolf that lived at the same time as Saber-toothed Cats.

Mambele: A mambele is a hybrid knife/sword/axe from Africa. In addition to warfare, it was used for ceremonial purposes.

Buckler: A buckler is a small shield gripped in the fist. Its size makes it poor protection against arrows, but useful in deflecting swords.

Moonshard Dao: Dao are single-edged Chinese swords, primarily used for slashing and chopping. In China, the dao is considered one of the four traditional weapons, along with the gun (stick or staff), qiang (spear), and the jian (sword).

Around The Web

A big THANKS to everyone who has been sharing the campaign! We’ve started to get some press and reviews that we wanted to share, both from our first collection and this new collection. We also sent out a few of our figures to be painted by artists; the amazing Scott Walker of MINIAC YouTube fame, and the extremely talented Shoshie of Shoshie’s Magnificent Miniatures on Twitch. These are great channels for anyone interested in mini painting, and be sure to check out The Gallant Goblin for great reviews from all over the world of TTRPGs. Check out the links below, and keep sharing!

A nice post from Boingboing from the tabletop gaming writer Gareth Brawyn.

The Gallant Goblin Youtube channel has a helpful review of our first collection.

Scott Walker of MINIAC did an amazing job painting a Mutant Goliath.

The artist Shoshie painted an awesome Wildling over on Twitch.

Real GameFX show off their fog machine and discuss some new HoG figures.

about 4 years ago – Fri, Mar 06, 2020 at 06:52:35 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.